PSA Special OPSS

Public Safety Academy
The Public Safety Academy (PSA) is a “school-of-choice” in the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, which first opened its doors in August 2012. It is designed to provide a rigorous academic program and career preparation for those interested in law enforcement, firefighting, emergency response, and other public safety related fields. Education takes place through an experiential, hands-on, project based program. All State standards are met and taught through the common core curriculum, ensuring that all graduates will qualify for the college or secondary training program of their choice. Through partnerships with police and fire professionals, community college personnel, and members of the community, graduates will be prepared to meet the demands of public safety careers in today’s world.
PSA Special OPSS
The PSA Special Organization of Parents Students & Staff is a non-profit organization made up of dedicated parents and faculty members who are committed to enhancing and promoting the educational opportunities available for all children at PSA. OPSS works to accomplish this through promoting closer ties and fostering communication among parents, faculty, administration, the Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, by providing educational enrichment activities, and providing support to administration, faculty, and staff.
The Parent Teacher Organization offers you the opportunity to:

Get Connected. There's no better way to get involved in what's happening in your child's school.
Speak Up. PTO offers a forum for exchanging ideas as well as making suggestions. PTO can be a way for you to more effectively influence change at your child's school.